spraying a lining

RCC Corrosion Control solves corrosion problems by providing surface protection solutions. Our team of experts represents more than 50 years of service in the industry providing unsurpassed knowledge and the ability to solve your corrosion problems. The solution is not merely having a product line to sell. It is also essential to have an expertise based resource group with fundamental understanding of industry processes to ensure the products and services are offered where they are best suited to meet customer requirements. This enables us to provide a flexible approach in offering solutions. Whether it’s a need for custom designed chemical protection, special warranty considerations, or other innovations, we are committed to finding the right solution to satisfy your specific needs.

Operating conditions that produce corrosive environments can vary dramatically from plant to plant and process to process. Each specific condition requires individual engineering to determine the most appropriate, cost effective solution to meet the corrosion protection requirements and service life expectations. Because no single product can adequately handle all chemical, temperature and mechanical service conditions, RCC Corrosion Control offers an extensive range of Lining, Coating and Flooring systems that are available in diverse resin chemistries to meet your specific corrosion protection needs.

Chemical resistance is not the only consideration when evaluating a product or system for recommendation as a suitable corrosion protection solution. It is important to consider other relevant factors and conditions in order to make an appropriate system selection. These are conditions such as application location, environmental conditions, process temperature, mechanical conditions including abrasion, traffic, and wear, as well as down time, monetary constraints, desired service life span, etc. At RCC Corrosion Control we ensure that all available operating conditions are analyzed, and any specific limitations and constraints reviewed as part of our product evaluation and recommendation process. Our goal is to provide customers with the most appropriate corrosion protection solutions for their specific needs and to support this effort we offer the following:

row of tanks with white lining